Dates and fees -> NEW!!


Deadline for submitting a one-page abstract extended to January 31, 2013
Notification of acceptance of abstracts February 22, 2013
Deadline for submitting a four-page extended abstract (optional) extended to June 17, 2013
Deadline for early payment extended to June 17, 2013
Deadline for late payment September 1, 2013
XFEM 2013 conference September 11 - 13, 2013


  Early payment before June 17, 2013 Late payment after June 17, 2013
Regular Fee 520€620€
Student Fee 300€380€

Registration fees will include: Conference proceedings, attendance at all scientific sessions, morning and afternoon coffee breaks.

Final acceptance is contingent upon payment of the registration fee by the presenting author during the advance period. 
Student rate attendees must send by fax or e-mail to the Conference Secretariat a letter from their Department Head/Chair that states that the attendee is a pre-doc full time student. 


Optional lunch voucher will be available for each day of the conference. A buffet will be served in a dedicated room of the conference venue. The vouchers must be paid in advance for a fee of 22 € per lunch.

Conference Banquet 

The banquet will take place on the Hermes boat for a dinner cruise on the rivers Rhone and Saone. Tickets for the banquet must be paid in advance for a fee of 80 € each. Each conference attendee can buy more than one ticket for accompanying persons. 
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